
The Jacobson Flare

Tech startup The Jacobson Flare use Reckon One to take the “guess work” out of managing finances.

”Reckon One makes it cost effective to keep track of finances in all areas of our lives”

David Jacobson, retired pilot, Jacobson Flare creator


Easy accounting software for getting a birds-eye view over your business finances.

When airline pilot David Jacobson retired after flying planes for forty years, he developed an iPad app called the Jacobson Flare, to teach others how to fly and land aircraft. He wanted an accounting solution for his new business, and cloud-based software appealed because it was simple and worked well with his mobile lifestyle.

But getting a full accounting system, with components he didn’t need, seemed overly complicated and expensive. By choosing accounting software for startups such as Reckon One, David could save money by picking only the features he needed, then adding more as his business grew.

Watch his story here.


A flexible accounting solution for an agile business

As the new Jacobson Flare iPad app was being rolled out, David Jacobson sought an accounting solution that would take the guess work out of managing his business finances and wouldn’t break the bank.

“I looked at a few different cloud accounting products but was disappointed to see most products expected me to pay $49 a month for a set of features I didn’t really need,” says David.

“It was my daughter, who is an accountant in Melbourne, who suggested I look at Reckon One. It was then that I discovered Reckon One was just what I needed.”

To help manage costs and be constantly in touch with how new app sales performed, David chose to use Reckon One accounting software. With Reckon One, David is able to easily manager customer lists, prepare tax statements and keep track of budgets in real time.

“I not only run the new Jacobson Flare business through Reckon One, but I help my wife manage the finances for her psychology business too. I actually have four books running in total, one for Jacobson Flare, one for my wife’s business and another two for managing other finances in our life – Reckon One makes it cost effective to keep track of finances in all areas of our lives,” says David.

Jacobson Flare Logo


About The Jacobson Flare

The Jacobson Flare is a new iPad app set to revolutionise how pilots land aeroplanes. The new app provides users with an insight into how aeroplanes have been landed over the last 100 years, which surprisingly has involved a lot of guess work and never explained how!

David Jacobson, the brains behind the new iPad app, has long wanted more pilots to hear his theory on how to create the perfect landing. As a former Check and Training Captain with TAA, Australian Airlines and Qantas and a part-time flying instructor for RAAF Point Cook Flying Club, David knows many pilots who believe landing an aeroplane is an art – but the Jacobson Flare shows you it can be regarded as a skill, based on sound logic.

“Many pilots will admit that landing an aeroplane is one of the most difficult parts of flying to get right. The Jacobson Flare changes that,” says David who enjoys the “aha” moment pilots get when he explains the theory to them. Bringing the Jacobson Flare to life in a new iPad app for student and recreational pilots, commercial and military pilots alike, highlights how landing an aeroplane predictably every time is possible.


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