Did you know that on average there are over 1000 active Reckon Accounts Hosted users online at 2am every morning? Now that’s what I call dedication!

Let’s say, for the sake of conversation, that you are using the hosted service at 2am and you run into a problem that you just can’t seem to figure out. What do you do?

Without support easily available over the phone we hear that many turn to the internet and go to Google to see if they can “Google” the answer (side note: did you know that the act of ‘Googling’ is now so much a part of our culture today that the phrase “Googling” has been added to the Oxford dictionary?)

Not everyone is working on their business during standard business hours, there are lots of customers that need help in the early hours of the morning. This got the team here at Reckon thinking:

  • What if customers could search a database for answers to their questions, or find solutions to their problems, just like they can on Google?
  • What if we had a place where our customers could go to talk to other like-minded peers who have a wealth of product knowledge and experience that they could share with each other?
  • What if this place could be accessed anytime, from anywhere – on any device?
I describe the new Reckon Community as an online crowd support platform that will offer customers a central hub where they can ask questions, share ideas and report any problems they stumble upon. It’ll also be a great way for our customers to share their knowledge and experiences to help answer each other solve problems or improve their business!
Being an online platform means the community will be available 24/7, and it’s accessible on all devices and platforms. So if you ever find yourself in a situation where you are working outside of standard business hours – you can jump on to the community and search the database, or ask others in the community if they have the answer to your question.Over time we hope you’ll find the community to be a great resource at any time of the day!

We look forward to sharing more about the new Reckon Community soon, we plan to launch the new platform in the next few weeks – so stay tuned, and tell us what you think. Leave your thoughts and feedback below or reach out to us via social media.