Paulla Taylor, a member of the groundbreaking Ausmumpreneurs network, began her small business back in 2013, with the aim of providing hair accessories to the dance industry.

As a single mum of two (Sienna and Kyra, hence KySienn), Paulla started out with just $1000 dollars to kick start her business!

Fast forward to 2017 we sat down with her to learn more about her success and how she uses Reckon One to manage her small business accounting needs.

Hi Paulla, what is your business all about?

I currently provide hair accessories and other related products specifically for the large dancing industry market, however my product range is growing all the time. Currently I am stocking; hairnets, ripple pins, cosmetic cases, hair ties and hair brushes etc. I will be adding make up brushes to extend the cosmetic line next year!

How did you manage your accounting needs before using Reckon One?

Before Reckon One I used MYOB. I have been a MYOB user and trained in it for 12 years. I had been thinking about going onto the cloud for a while, but was unsure and I was not prepared to pay the fees that MYOB wanted, and nothing really attracted me to their package.

What led you to choose Reckon One?

I attended the Ausmumprenour as a finalist for “Product Innovation”. There, they had a talk from Reckon. It instantly sat well with me! I liked the price as a small business starting out as all expenses can add up. But I loved how I could use on phone or computer. Most importantly I found the transition very easy, and the Dashboard, sold me. Being conscious of reports and money in and out, it was all at my fingertips with the dash board. Add invoices is easy and being a wholesaler adding product was so easy to use and add onto invoices.

Did you check out any other solutions?

I inquired about prices on other programs, but wasn’t happy with monthly costs, for what I need it for.

Did you need to contact support?

Yes, over just little things, getting my head around the program. Nothing major, it was more training related issues…finding things or how to do something.

Is there a particular feature of Reckon One that you enjoy?

Yes, the Dashboard and reports are so easy. It’s all at your fingertips, along the side bar, love it!!

Have you found any other benefits?

I just find overall, customer service is easy, you’re not waiting for hours for someone to answer, I find it quite a simple system to use, which improves my reporting and invoicing. I feel the business will grow with me as it’s keeping up with the times.

Visit Paulla’s business KySienn here:

