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Privacy Policy

Reckon is one of Australia’s leading software developers creating business efficiency and accounting software tools and solutions for businesses. Reckon provides technical support and training services to the end-users of its products and services, which include desktop, hosted and cloud solutions (“the products”).

Reckon is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information and complying with the obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 where applicable (“Privacy Acts”), including all applicable Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) and New Zealand Information Privacy Principles (IPPs).

This Privacy Policy applies to each of the companies in Reckon Group from time to time, including as at the date of this policy Reckon Limited, Reckon One Limited (UK), Reckon New Zealand Limited (NZ), nQ Zebraworks Pty Limited (Aus), and nQ Zebraworks LLC (USA).

Please familiarise yourself with our Privacy Policy to understand:

  • the kind of information we collect and hold;
  • how and when we may collect and hold personal information from you;
  • the purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information and what happens if we don’t collect the information;
  • the circumstances where we are likely to disclose information to overseas recipients and in which countries they are located; and
  • how you can contact us to access or correct personal information which we hold about you, or complain about a purported breach of the APPs or a registered APP code (if any) applicable to us, and how we will deal with any such complaint.

By using our products, our technical support services, our website and social media tools, such as Reckon Community (“our products and services”) you signify you have read and understood our Privacy Policy. You may also be prompted to provide your acknowledgment that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy at online points of sale as well as when installing products.

Personal Information

Personal information, for the purposes of this policy means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, as further defined by the applicable Privacy Act.

Collection, holding, use and disclosure of personal Information – Purpose

We only collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for purposes which relate to our business, functions and activities. Without your personal information, we may not be able to deliver or give you access to our products, or provide you with technical assistance or updates for our products.

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for a variety of purposes in relation to our business, functions and activities, including in relation to:

  • registering or activating products;
  • verifying and authenticating your purchase, initially and then during your period of use of the product, or where you may have changed details of the computer you are using with the product;
  • providing installation key codes, access codes or other related access details;
  • invoicing;
  • refunds and dealing with warranty issues;
  • providing technical support, assistance, consulting services and training;
  • improving our product and service;
  • provision of the product and information needed to ensure you are able to enjoy the maximum benefit of our products’; and
  • provision of services to you or your employees and customers by our third party

Where you provide us with personal information about someone else (for example other authorised users of our product(s), or your customers and/or employees) you must have their consent to provide their personal information to us to collect, hold, store and disclose in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Subject to your consent, we may also collect, hold, use and disclose your information to:

  • promote our products to you;
  • to provide you with more relevant and personalised information to be more relevant to you and your business;
  • use the information to promote products to you of some of our network of associated service providers and product vendors;
  • allow us or third parties authorised by us, to verify and provide relevant details of payments made by you, or to you to others (including your employees and customers);
  • allow third party vendors who are our partners to obtain access to information (including that of your employees and your customers to assist them and us with providing their services to you, your employees and your customers;
  • prepopulate databases of third party vendors who are our partners to improve your onboarding efficiency should you use such partners’ goods and services, including for pre-approval of access to their services and solutions;
  • de-identify your information, and using the de-identified information:
    • for internal use for the purposes of analytics with regard to use of our products, development, training and demonstration of our products; or
    • for benchmarking and/or or sale to third parties.

When We Collect Personal Information

We most commonly collect personal information directly from our customers or their authorised representatives. Sometimes we may collect information from a third party or a publicly available source, but only if the person has consented to such collection or would otherwise reasonably expect us to collect their personal information in this way, for example, from Reckon Partners from whom you have purchased our product.

In summary, we most commonly collect personal information when you:

  1. Engage in product related activities, such as:
  • when you purchase, register, install or use our products, including inputting data into cloud and hosted products
  • when you use our technical support or consulting services
  • when you participate in Reckon programs, i.e. Reckon Partner Program, Reckon Advantage, Reckon Developer Partner Program, or become a reseller
  • when you provide us with copies of your database or give us access to your database and systems so that we can provide you with the technical support or consulting services you may have requested.
  1. Engage with us in other ways, such as:
  • in your normal communications with us, when you email, telephone us or give us your business card
  • attend public functions, events, seminars, roadshows, conferences, training
  • enter competitions
  • use our website
  • participate in forums, such as Reckon Community or use other social media tools through our website or in relation to our products

When you purchase and use our products, technical support and join Reckon programs we may collect information from you:

  • Upon purchasing by you of any of the Reckon products offered through the Reckon website, any Reckon App, Reckon E-Store, Reckon Call Centre, through retail and other sales channels.
  • Upon registration by you of any of the Reckon products offered through the Reckon website, any Reckon App, Reckon E-Store, Reckon Call Centre, through retail and other sales channels, such as the Reckon Partner program.
  • Upon entering an agreement with us for the installation or implementation of our products.
  • Upon the purchasing of upgraded versions or renewal of subscription versions of Reckon products, often in response to our having communicated with you about such upgrades.
  • When you use our products.
  • When you use our website, community forum, blogs, message boards, & social media links from our website.
  • Upon the joining, or renewal, of various Reckon programs, including Reckon Advantage or the Reckon Partner program.
  • Upon seeking to become a Reckon product reseller where stock is provided on credit, we may seek financial details before approving the appointment as a reseller.
  • When you contact us for technical support or for consulting services, whether online, telephone or in person. Please refer to “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group”, to understand when your personal information may be disclosed to an overseas recipient, when using our technical support or consulting services.
  • We also collect personal information indirectly from Reckon Partners relating to Reckon products you have purchased through them.

Personal information may also be collected when customers sign up for add-on services provided by third party suppliers such as bank data downloads (as provided by all banks and Yodlee), opening merchant accounts for credit card payments (as provided by all banks and credit card companies), invoice payment services (such as PayPal and Novatti), eInvoicing (such as Ozedi), superannuation admin services, loan services (such as Prospa), share trading services, wealth management services and the like. Personal information which is collected by these third party service providers will be handled by them in accordance with their own privacy policies, which will be made available directly by those third parties.

In these cases personal information may also be passed on to the relevant third party and will be used, disclosed and protected in accordance with the third party’s respective privacy policy.

Please also refer to “Disclosure” below for information on our disclosure of personal information generally, to “Third Party Service Providers” for more information about our use of our third party suppliers and “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group”, to understand when your personal information we collect may be disclosed to an overseas recipient.

When your contact with us does not relate to a purchased product.

We also collect information at other times, which do not relate specifically to your purchase or use of our products, as described below:

  • From delegates who attend our roadshows, briefings, seminars, product training and demonstrations, as well as other public events where registration forms and feedback forms are filled out by attendees.
  • From entrants in Reckon competitions, wherever offered, such as via direct mail campaigns, a Reckon website, social media or any other media, at seminars or public events, which may or may not be hosted by Reckon.
  • Upon registering to request information from us on our website or your responses to offers or other marketing campaigns, competitions on our website or direct marketing campaigns.
  • Use of our website, community forum, blogs, message boards, & social media links from our website.

Information Collected

The information collected from you or your authorised agent directly, would generally comprise name, date of birth, address, postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail contact details, bank account details, tax file numbers, other authorised users of your product, where applicable, as well as the details of the Reckon product that you use.

We may also collect personal information of your employees and customers, which may include payroll information of employees and details of transactions entered into by your customers.

High level information in relation to your business may also be collected and may include details of your industry or profession, for the purpose of better understanding your business and needs in relation to our product.

We collect information from you when installing the product and use of your product, ie a file on your hard drive records the date of installation or download (or cookies for use of cloud products), such as the unique product number of the computer, collected in relation to your use of the software, for example which may include internet protocol address, hardware identification, operating system, application software, peripheral hardware, non-personally identifiable software usage statistics.

In relation to certain products, we may collect and handle the following:

  • Reckon BankData: bank details solely for purpose of providing your authorisation and obtaining relevant approvals from your relevant bank so that you can receive the relevant bank feeds using our products, for example in your applications to authorise bank feeds;
  • information held in databases created using our apps, hosted or online products, such as Reckon One and Reckon Accounts Hosted. The information collected would be collated and de-identified, before being used for benchmarking or sale to third parties.

Using our website or social media tools

Depending on the type of activity you are engaging in, we may collect information directly and indirectly when you use our website or social media tools. We may also collect unidentifiable information from you relating to the pages you visit etc. See also “Reckon Website” and “Social Media & Public Forum” below.

Where you have provided your personal details when visiting our website, such as your membership, account or customer details, or registered for an activity, entered transactions you have entered whether paid or free, we may also collect information from you relating to how you use our website, the pages you have viewed, nature of the requests or enquiries you have made etc.

We also use third party service providers to assist us in the collection of this data relating to your use of the website to assist us in improving the interface and user experience of our websites.

These service providers may include technology which enables them to also collect other publicly available web-based data or other publicly available information about you, such as any social media accounts providers on our behalf. Please refer to “Third Party Service Providers” to understand our use of third party suppliers.

Technical support or consulting services

If you request technical assistance or, in relation to our products or consulting services, you may contact us online, telephone or in person. We may require the following information from you in order to provide you the assistance needed:

  • information relating to your problem and our suggested solutions are also recorded by us to assist in better customer relationship management;
  • you may also need to provide copies of your data or grant access to your database, provide password, pin or other access details in order that we may assist you with your problem or inquiry. Where passwords or other access details are provided, we strongly recommend that you update those access details once your issue has been resolved;
  • you may also be required to provide other details for the purposes of identification and verifying authorisations to provide support, such as if you require us to make any changes to your account or settings;
  • information collected from you in relation to technical support or consulting services may be obtained from you online or by telephone, and in the case of consulting services, they may also obtained on or off your premises.

Please also refer to “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group”, to understand when you may be dealing with one of our technical support or consulting service providers who are physically located outside Australia.

How we use and handle this information

Where information is collected in relation to the purchase or use of a Reckon product, we use your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Acts, including in the following ways:

  • We collect personal information so that we can communicate with you about the products that you use and efficiently manage and administer all products we provide to you. These communications could relate to software upgrades, feature variations or enhancements, billings, any particular issues or problems that have been detected within the software and corrective measures that may be taken, and informing you of other Reckon products, including the availability of specialised, software specific, stationery products, debt recovery services, software training services, share trading services, banking services, seminars relating to associated products such as share trading classes and other types of training or classes.
  • Identification and re-validation of software end-users assists Reckon in establishing who is legally permitted to use the various Reckon products and therefore assists us in enforcing copyright and intellectual property rights.
  • Verification of information (by us and third parties engaged by us) in relation to the payment data of your employees and other personnel.
  • Promotion of our goods and services and those of third parties to you, the employees and personnel whose personal information has been collected and held by Reckon.
  • Product information collected when it is installed or used assists us to regularly re- validate that the product is being used on the correct computer and is not installed on other computers without your authority and outside the terms of our licence.
  • The information we collect from you relating to your use of the products facilitates the provisioning of updates, support, invoicing or online services to you.
  • In the case of Reckon Advantage, the additional questions we ask in relation to your business, which may include details of your industry or, profession, is to assist us in developing a member profile so that future offerings that may be developed for program participants are relevant and appropriately targeted. As part of the Reckon Advantage service we also send correspondence to Advantage members (including by e-mail) containing product related information as well as promotional material.
  • In the case of Reckon BankData we only collect data from you to enable you to authorise the relevant bank or financial institution to provide the bank feeds to be provided and imported into your service using the BankData service.
  • In the case of the superannuation services (such as via Ozedi) product, we only collect personal information, such as banking details and the personal details of your employees in order to enable transmission of the superannuation payments details to funds, to make the payment in accordance with your instructions.
  • Aggregated information:
    • We may also aggregate information which does relate to you to help us to monitor and improve the effectiveness of our website and overall communication to you, for example, providing you information and products relating to matters for which you have indicated an interest in your browsing of our website, or participation in our online activities, requesting information from about products, articles, technical support etc.
    • We may also aggregate information which does not relate to you (containing no personal information) which is collected:
  • in relation to your purchase and/or use of our products or relating to use of our website, social media and blogs etc, it may sometimes be used for research and analysis purposes by us or contracted service providers for us to better understand statistical trends in industry and product usage;
  • or from databases created using our online or hosted products, for example in Reckon One, Reckon Insights, Reckon Accounts Hosted, Reckon Payroll, and payment services such as PayPal and Novatti relating to various expense or payment trends. This information is first de-identified then may be used for benchmarking and/or for sale to third parties.
  • Financial information:
    • In the case of financial information requested from parties wishing to be resellers and, as such, who are to be provided with Reckon product stock on credit terms, this information is used to perform credit referencing and checking.
    • Where credit card information is provided, we use it solely to check your financial qualifications and/or to collect payment from you.
  • Technical support or consulting
    • Your information will only by used or accessed for:
  • the purposes of resolving your technical issue with the product; and
  • in some instances your information may be used or shared with other departments or entities within Reckon Group, for the purposes of improving our product or business; or
  • your information may be de-identified and used for product development training and the demonstration of our products; and
  • once your issue has been resolved your information is returned, destroyed or de- identified.
  • Where you might have purchased a product from one of our network of Reckon partners:
    • then the relevant partner will also have your information and they may from time to time contact you for the purpose of renewal of subscriptions based upon our records of whether or not you have renewed;
    • we may at the request of a Reckon partner provide information relating to the status of licenses held by people who have purchased a Reckon product from the relevant Reckon partner; and/or
    • we may provide de-identified personal information to our Reckon partners, who may or may not be the partner you purchased a Reckon product for market analysis, eg number of current licenses for our products held in specific region etc.
  • To communicate and promote our products and business.

If the personal information was collected through your other contact with us, ie. not relating to your purchase or use of our product(s), we use your personal information in the following ways:

  • To follow up any enquiries you may have made a regarding our business or products and, because of the circumstances or express instructions from you, we communicate with you about products we understand you have or a likely to have an interest. Most of this communication with you will be by email. In all email communication of this kind with you, you will have the opportunity to opt out of any further emails.
  • To tailor our communication with you to ensure the information and communication you receive from us is relevant to you.
  • To assess and improve the effectiveness of our website and communication with you.
  • To communicate and promote our products and business.

Direct Marketing

We will only use your personal information for direct marketing in compliance with the Privacy Acts and the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) and Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 (NZ). In the absence of express consent from you, we will only use or disclose the information in a way that you would reasonably expect your personal information to be used in relation to our business and products. For example, if you provide your business card to one of our employees at an event, we may communicate with you about our products or future events, unless you instruct us not to do so. We may also use and disclose personal information to third party service providers in order for both Reckon and those service providers to promote their goods and services to you, the employees and personnel, whose personal information has been collected and held by Reckon, and by accepting this privacy policy, you consent to any such use and disclosure. In all our direct marketing to you, you will always have the ability to request us to discontinue sending to you any further of such direct marketing material to you.

If you would prefer not to receive communications from us that do not relate to any products to which you have subscribed or which you have purchased, please contact us as follows:

Phone: 1800 RECKON (1800 732 566)

New Zealand
Ph: 0800 447 292

Or write to us:

The Privacy Officer Reckon Limited
Locked Bag 7522,
McMahons Point, NSW 2060 or

The Privacy Officer
c/- MinterEllisonRuddWatts
PWC Tower, 15 Customs Street West
Auckland Central, New Zealand 1010


We will only use the personal information for the purpose for which it was given to us, or for purposes which are directly related to one of our functions or activities. We would only disclose information in circumstances permitted by the Privacy Acts, such as when:

  • You have consented;
  • You would reasonably expect, or have been otherwise made aware, that information of that kind is usually passed to individuals, bodies or agencies;
  • It is otherwise required or authorised by law.

Information collected may be shared with other subsidiaries within the Reckon Group for use in the provision and improvement of their products to you and in their advertising and marketing programs as well as with third party vendors for the purpose of pre-approval of access to their solutions, and pre-population of their databases to improve your onboarding efficiency should you use such partners’ goods and services. Where information is shared within Reckon Group it will be disclosed and handled in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Subject to the exceptions below, very little external disclosure of your personal information is made by Reckon outside the Reckon Group:

  • Where an external party wishes to communicate with any or all parts of the Reckon user/Advantage member database, and Reckon is agreeable to this communication being sent, we would generally undertake the communication on behalf of the external party (but at their cost), or their employees and agents will attend at our premises and under our control to make such communications;
  • Information may be provided to third party technical support services located outside Australia, for the purposes of dealing with technical support issues you may have raised to assist you and/or or which may also assist us to improve our product and process generally. Please refer to “Third Party Service Providers” about our use of our third party suppliers and to “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group”, to understand when your personal information may be disclosed to an overseas recipient;
  • If you have signed up for add-on services provided by third party suppliers such as banking services, bank data downloads, superannuation payment services, merchant accounts, payment gateway services, In these cases, personal information may also be passed on to the third party and will be used, disclosed and protected in accordance with the third party’s respective privacy policy. Please refer to” Third Party Service Providers” about our use of our third party suppliers and “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group” to understand when your personal information we collect may be disclosed to an overseas recipient;
  • Reckon may use, from time to time, external service providers to facilitate communications with its customers. In these circumstances, Reckon may provide personal contact/address information to the external service provider to enable the communication to be dispatched. Such information is provided to the external service provider on the strict basis that it be used for this purpose only and that their handling of the personal information provided to them complies with Reckon’s Privacy Policy and the obligations of the Privacy Acts. Agreements with the external providers are put in place to ensure this. Refer to “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group” for more details;
  • Reckon may provide access to third parties to personal information collected by it in order to validate payment data of your employees and other personnel, and to promote the goods and services of Reckon and third parties to you, the employees and personnel, whose personal information has been collected and held by Reckon;
  • where the information is disclosed to a credit referencing bureau;
  • if required by law or to comply with a law, court order or legal

In the event there is a transaction which involves the sale or any or part of our business assets, it is possible that personal information we possess may be transferred as part of the transaction.

Further, where reasonably practicable, we will specify that the personal information will be handled in accordance with this policy and consistently with the requirements of the Privacy Acts.

Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group

In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Acts, we advise that some personal information may be disclosed to a third party outside Australia. These parties may only use the information for the identified purpose and must use, handle and disclose the information in accordance with this Policy and the Privacy Acts. Please also refer to “Third Party Service Providers” to understand our use of third party suppliers, as well as data subprocessors.

Circumstances where your information may be collected, disclosed or stored outside Australia:

Reckon Accounts products, Reckon Advantage Membership

  • When purchasing, registering or renewing products or seeking technical support, you may be assisted by our third party suppliers located in India or the Philippines.

Website use

  • If you visit our website and provide personal information, we use third party service providers to provide analytics and information relating to your use of our website.
  • Where personal information we collect or hold in New Zealand is disclosed to third parties outside of New Zealand, we will only do so if we believe on reasonable grounds that the third party is required to protection the information in a way that, overall, provides comparable safeguards to those in New Zealand (e.g. they are subject to comparable privacy laws or pursuant to an agreement with us).

Reckon Website

You may explore and browse our website without providing any information about yourself. When you visit our website, for example, to purchase any products, or enroll into a training course, technical support, contribute to a forum, register for an event, participate in a competition or promotion, request further information from us, we generally request that you provide personal information about yourself primarily so that we can respond to your query, provide you with further information, confirm your details, booking etc.

You may choose not to provide this information but this would prevent or minimise your ability to experience the full features of the website, such as online payments, access to some subscription products, restrict access to certain areas of the website or activities.

The Reckon website uses:

  • “cookie” technology. What are cookies? Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies make web- surfing easier for you by saving your passwords, purchases, and preferences while you’re on a website. The use of cookies is an industry standard – you’ll find them at most major web sites. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to experience the full features of the website.
  • “navigational information”. This is information about your computer and your visits to this website such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type, pages viewed, referral source. We use this information to improve the website. We may combine the navigational information and personal information to provide you with more tailored information about our products and business.

Social Media & Public Forum

Our website includes social media tools, such as the Facebook Like button, share this button. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our sites, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. The social media tools are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to these features. Your interactions with these features are governed by the Privacy Policy and other relevant policies of the companies providing them.

We also offer publicly accessible community forums, message boards and blogs. Please be mindful that any information you directly disclose through our public message boards, blogs, or forums, may be collected and used by others. We will correct or delete any information you have posted on the websites if you so request, please refer to “Access to Information and Complaints” section below.

Third Party Service Providers

We engage third party service providers to provide services to users of our products and websites and may need to share information, or give access to your personal information in order to provide information or products to you. The types of third party services may include analysing data, providing marketing assistance, technical support, consulting and training services relating to the installation, use, development, maintenance and support of our products, providing office and document management services, such as Microsoft Office 365, payment services, credit card services, superannuation services. For a list of material third parties (some of whom may be sub- processors of information go to data subprocessors.

We do all things reasonably practicable to select third party service providers, who represent, or who, in our reasonable opinion, we believe will comply with the Privacy Acts in relation to the collection, use, storage , disclosure and security of your personal information consistent with the Privacy Acts and this policy and only use the information for which it is disclosed.

Some of these third party service providers may store or host their data, which may include personal information they have collected on our behalf, outside Australia. Please refer to “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group” as well as to data subprocessors.

When using our products, you may also access add-on services provided by third party suppliers, which are provided to you subject to the terms of the third party supplier’s terms and conditions. In these circumstances, the collection, use, handling, storage and security in relation to any personal information collected from you by such third party, will be solely governed by the terms of their privacy policy, not Reckon’s Privacy Policy.

Information held by Third Parties

As a company incorporated in Australia and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, Reckon is required to maintain a register of members pursuant to the Corporations Law. This function has been contracted to an external provider, Computershare Limited (“CS”).

It is the usual practice for registers of listed companies to be managed by third parties. CS manages the members’ register on behalf of Reckon, which includes personal information relating to name and address details, security-holding balances, tax file numbers, bank account details and e-mail addresses. CS has its own Privacy Statement as to how it deals with personal information, and Reckon shareholders are directed to the Computershare website for further information.

Third Party Websites

Our website and products may link to other websites. We do not control and are not responsible for, the content or data collection, handling and storage practices of any of these third party websites. Nor does the provision of any links to those websites constitute an endorsement of these other websites, their content or their practices. We do not have any control over any cookies or any tacking technologies they may apply.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites. These other websites are subject to their own privacy and any of their other related policies, if any.

Information Storage, Destruction & Security

Reckon is committed to take all reasonable steps to protect all its information, including from misuse, interference and loss and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

We require all our employees, contractors and agents to agree to obligations of confidentiality with respect to information collected, handled or held by us or on our behalf, such as personal information and client information. Reckon uses electronic customer management and database systems to store most of the personal information. Some of the customer management and database systems are web-based. Some of these systems may be provided by third party service providers. Please also refer to “Third Party Service Providers”. Our databases and systems are accessed by authorised users and contain security features to ensure the protection and integrity of the data that we hold.

Reckon data and customer data created using Reckons products is stored in secure data centres owned and managed by third parties. Most of this data is hosted and stored in our data centre in Australia, but may also be stored in other locations; please refer to data subprocessors for further details.

We generally return or destroy or de-identify data which has been provided to use for technical support or consulting purposes. Some data, once de-identified, may be kept for training or QA purpose so that we may continue to develop and improve our products and processes.

Some of your personal information may also be in stored in databases hosted by third party service providers, in Australia, US or other countries, please see the relevant paragraphs “Third Party Service Providers“ and “Disclosure to overseas recipients outside the Reckon Group” for more details.

Access to Information and Complaints

The Privacy Acts provide you with the right to access the personal information that we hold in relation to you and to request the correction of any such information. If you would like:

  • details of the personal information which we may hold about you; or,
  • to correct any of the information that we hold; or
  • to complain about a breach of the Privacy Acts or Privacy Principles, please contact us as follows:

Phone: 1800 RECKON (1800 732 566)

New Zealand
Phone: 0800 447 292

Or write to us:

The Privacy Officer Reckon Limited Locked Bag 7522,
McMahons Point, NSW 2060 Australia

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, the organisation collecting and holding your information is Reckon Limited Locked Bag 7522, McMahons Point, NSW 2060 Australia.

We have internal procedures in place to deal with such requests, and we may require further information from you to verify your identity. Generally, we will correct or give access to your personal information where it is reasonable and practicable to do so in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Acts. If Reckon refuses to correct, or grant access to the personal information on grounds consistent with the Privacy Acts, then Reckon will provide written notice to you of its decision and reasons for the decision in the form required under the Privacy Acts.

If we are unable to satisfactorily resolve your concerns about our handling of your personal information, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001 or the New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner at: PO Box 10-094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143, or via their website at


Should you have any queries in relation to this Privacy Policy or to issues generally surrounding the personal information that we hold about you, please contact the Privacy Officer at the relevant address referred to below.

From time to time, this statement may be amended. An up-to-date version of the Privacy Statement will always appear on this page. If we make any material changes we will notify you by means of a notice on this page or notify you by email, at our discretion. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our Privacy Policy.

Furthermore, you may request a copy of this Statement from either the addresses referred to above or by phoning or emailing:

Ph. 1800 RECKON (1800 732 566)

New Zealand:
Ph. 0800 447 292

Last updated June 2023.